I have checked Ryanair flight delay checker and found out that my flight was delayed. The reason was their staff strike. Can I “Ryanair claim for delayed flight” in this case? Where can I find Ryanair flight delay compensation form? How much “flight delay compensation Ryanair”?

Last updated on November 6, 2018

Yes, you can claim compensation for Ryanair flight delays, when the flight was delayed for more than 3 hours. There is no reason to find Ryanair flight delay compensation claim form and fill it, you may choose a claim company from our list Best Companies and use their service, because they have more experience in claiming and have more chances to win. The amount of compensation depends on the flight distance it might be up to 600 euros.

Company Rating Success fee Time Avg. compensation
Best rated company
United States
4.7 out of 5
25% +25% legal action fee to represent in court 4-10 weeks €300 Claim Now Read review and see ratings
Top company
4.6 out of 5
25% 4-12 weeks €300 Claim Now Read review and see ratings
United States
4.4 out of 5
25% 12-16 weeks €300 Claim Now Read review and see ratings
3.9 out of 5
25% 8-12 weeks €300 Claim Now Read review and see ratings
Czech Republic
3.8 out of 5
25% +25% legal action fee to present in court 8-12 weeks €300 Claim Now Read review and see ratings
Top company
3.8 out of 5
25% 8-12 weeks €300 Claim Now Read review and see ratings
United Kingdom
3.8 out of 5
25% +€23 administration fee 12-16 weeks €277 Claim Now Read review and see ratings
Top company
3.8 out of 5
30% 4-12 weeks €280 Claim Now Read review and see ratings
3.7 out of 5
22% 12-16 weeks €312 Claim Now Read review and see ratings
3.7 out of 5
25% 12-16 weeks €300 Claim Now Read review and see ratings