You will find a list of Polish companies below, which currently cover flight disruptions that are clearly defined by EU law EC 261. This includes defined compensation amounts for delays, cancellations, and boarding denials. You may also view best, cheapest, fastest, most credible, best price, easiest to use, with best customer reviews or providing best customer support companies. In general, if you arrived to your final destination more than 3 hours late, you may be entitled to refund of up to €600.
Company | Rating | Success fee | Time | Avg. compensation | |
out of 5 | 25% +25% legal action fee to represent in court | 4-10 weeks | €300 | Claim Now Read review and see ratings |
out of 5 | 25% | 4-12 weeks | €300 | Claim Now Read review and see ratings |
out of 5 | 25% | 8-12 weeks | €300 | Claim Now Read review and see ratings |
out of 5 | 22% | 4-8 weeks | €312 | Claim Now Read review and see ratings |
out of 5 | 25% | 12-16 weeks | €300 | Claim Now Read review and see ratings |
out of 5 | 20% | 8-12 weeks | €320 | Claim Now Read review and see ratings |