I am not EU citizen and I did not have flight delay insurance. Can I claim compensation for delayed flight Ryanair airlines?

Last updated on 6 listopada, 2018

Yes, despite passengers nationality, all the passengers whose flight began inside the EU territory or landed in the EU territory (if the carrier is EU-registered airline) are protected by Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004. Flights in Norway, Iceland and Switzerland are also included into this regulation. As Ryanair is EU-registered airline, you may receive Ryanair flight delay claim compensation. The best way to claim is to choose the airline claim company from our Best Companies list.

Firma Ocena Opłata za sukces Czas Średnia rekompensata
Najwyżej oceniana firma
United States
4.7 z 5
25% +25% legal action fee to represent in court 4-10 tygodni €300 Zgłoś teraz Dowiedz się więcej
Najlepsza firma
3.9 z 5
25% 8-12 tygodni €300 Zgłoś teraz Dowiedz się więcej
3.1 z 5
22% 4-8 tygodni €312 Zgłoś teraz Dowiedz się więcej
2.5 z 5
25% 12-16 tygodni €300 Zgłoś teraz Dowiedz się więcej
2.4 z 5
20% 8-12 tygodni €320 Zgłoś teraz Dowiedz się więcej